


I remember when you were mine, when you were tiny, when you were brand new, and even your parents didn’t know who you were.

And I danced around the hallways of the hospital, with you, in my arms, in my pocket, in my blanket, you were safe. You were sound. And I fed you with my heartbeat.



I remember coming to the house when you were sick, drinking you juice and putting the cold rag to your fevered head. And you blinked your eyes each time I whispered your name.

And I let you stay up and look at the late movie with Peter Boyle. And you wanted my Coke. And I told you I would love you until the end of forever.



I remember your holy smile in the dark auditorium. And the look on your face when you held your award. And I didn’t cry at all, Giuliana... I swear to you I never cried, not even one bit.

And Giuliana, just- I wonder where you are, if you are alright. I hope that on stormy days in May you think of me.

For the summer days we spent chasing dragons in the grass when the sun wouldn’t go from the sky.

This old man is no poet. But I had to write this to tell you: you are still mine. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Love... until the end of forever.


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