
Tough Lunches of the 21st Century (Cooperation)

Date: March 4, 2013
Location: Ferramoni’s Pasta Dome

I took my best friend Amanda “Bones” Mobley to lunch and we started off with appetizers. I had the calamari which I did not like and Amanda had a double order of mozzarella sticks. I asked her if I could try some. Amanda said no.

We each ordered cocktails. I had the Singapore Sling which was delicious. Unfortunately I spilled it after only one sip. I asked Amanda if I could have a sip of her Zombie. Amanda said no.

I totally forgot I was allergic to seafood until the waiter brought my lobster ravioli with clam sauce and oyster parts. Amanda had ordered the penne pesto and I asked her if I could have a bite. Amanda said no.

I asked Amanda if she would please, please, please stop fucking my husband. Amanda said: “I’ll think about it.” Then she laughed and said “Just kidding.”

Also the waiter was kinda rude.

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