

The Maroneck Newsletter

- Comings & goings in our favorite crazy town - 
[May Edition]

“I” Before “E” (Except After Bee)

A spelling bee will be held on the 14th of next month for children 12 and under. Prizes will be given to the winners. Muffins & orange juice will be served to family members of losing children. Bring your cameras!

Bark In The Park
Maroneck has gone to the dogs- the pet dogs!
Now your pooches can come frolic & play at the newly-reopened Maroneck Dog Park. Thanks to the generous support of local citizens we have repaired most of the flood damage and reseeded almost an acre of fresh grass, so your genial bowser can run, jump & fetch in style. Please no wolverines.

Where The Pickle Meets the Slaw

Jody V from Jody V's Diner on Echo Boulevard says come on down- and bring your appetite! For food! Jody V's offers a full menu of delicious edibles ranging from hamburger sandwiches to scrambled eggs. You haven't experienced the magic of Maroneck until you've tasted one of Jody's famous tuna fish sandwiches! Mention this ad for 10% off any meal, excluding breakfast and dinner. 
Now serving Coca-Cola.

Strumming & Humming In Maroneck

It’s that time of year again: Winston Kodiak’s Annual Banjo Jamboroo will take place on the fifth of next month at Dorothy Heroy Park. If you like the sharp twang of a banjo and sitting in absolute silence you’ll love the music of “Pluck” Kodiak, who tells us: “I have planted seeds of bluegrass all over the world, [but they] always grow best in Maroneck!” (Tickets $49, No punks)

Hot Dog Dan: "I'm the hot dog man!"

(Since 2014)

Uncle Barnaby's Magic Time

Presto! Chango! Abracadabra & Hocus Pocus! These are all words you can have shouted at you if you buy your tickets to Uncle Barnaby's Summer Show in the Maroneck Village Square. Kids, children & young adults under nine will be astounded at the mind-blowing tricks & wondrous perplexibles of our own hometown illusionist. Parents can come too! Uncle Barnaby will even choose several lucky audience members to help assist him onstage with his fantastic amazements! 
(No heckling, watches will not be returned.)

Life in Maroneck just keeps getting crazier… be sure to check in next month for more outrageous events!

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