
Off The Menu

I just work here. I cook. I clean. I listen to the conversations. People talk.

People are talking all the time.

They order food. Lunch is a big thing this year. I make tuna salad. And egg salad. Wraps don’t sell like they used to. People forget about salami. Everything comes with fries.

The cheese steak, it never fails to delight. It's bigger than your head. I make it so it looks like it's smiling at you. It's sticking its tongue out at your lunch choices.

My daughter died. She was nine years old. The driver hit her crossing the street and she was gone. She’s not coming back.

I can make you an omelet. An omelet for lunch will sometime hit the spot. Reset your internal clock, make you feel like it’s morning again?

The quesadilla is great too. Too many vegetables. You’ll never finish it. Plus you get the sour cream, the salsa, and the guacamole.

And when was the last time you had an egg cream or a milkshake or a root beer float? That's what we're here for. That's what diners do.

So. What will it be?

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